Admin' Post

SOC Reports: Why, Who and How

July 18th, 2012
Sourcing & Procurement

article courtesy of Smith & Howard

The number of businesses that outsource certain tasks and functions to service organizations, like payroll processing and credit card processing, has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. While both sides – the businesses doing the outsourcing and the service providers – benefit, there is an increasing need to ensure that such providers have internal controls in place, provide adequate safeguards of data and information and have demonstrated a level of trust and commitment to compliance that the outsourcing business and its customers can rely upon. Hence, the Service Organization

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Georgia Workforce Ranked #1 in the Nation

July 13th, 2012

CNBC has released a new report ranking Georgia’s workforce #1 in the nation. Rankings were based on the education level of the workforce, the number of available workers and relative success of each state’s worker training programs in placing their participants in jobs. Click here to see the full rankings report.


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