Admin' Post

The Importance of Mobility – Key Areas of Law and Compliance

by Alexander Woollcott

The proliferation of mobile devices and the accompanying growth of mobile content and applications are changing the face of business on a scale that has not been seen since the emergence of Internet-based commerce 20 years ago.   “Mobility” offers every company the opportunity to improve its internal business operations and drive its products and services to the market in a more focused and effective fashion.   As with similar technology revolutions, the impact of mobility is far outpacing changes in the laws and regulations that will ultimately shape the standard of care and compliance that companies will need to

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SaaS is Different – An Accounting Primer for SaaS Companies

Services that have standalone value to the customer apart from the hosted software services can generally be recognized when performed. If, however, the services do not have standalone value, then they would generally be treated as set-up fees, and recognized over the longer of the initial contract period or the period the customer is expected to benefit from payment of the up-front fees….However [the] requirement to establish the fair value of hosted services was recently eliminated, making it significantly easier for SaaS companies that provide other services with standalone value to recognize revenue attributable to those services when performed. Read More

MMM Announces Mobile Law & Compliance Group

Morris, Manning & Martin Announces
Mobile Law & Compliance Group

Atlanta (June 25, 2012) – Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP, an AmLaw 200 firm, has formed a Mobile Law & Compliance Group to address the unique and expanding array of legal and regulatory issues that impact all companies – particularly those adopting a mobile strategy for delivering products and services.

The new practice area advises companies on a broad range of issues associated with mobility including privacy and security, financial regulations, employment law, intellectual property rights and global commerce. The Group will also focus on the potential impact of

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