Melanie' Post

Corporate Questionnaire for 2011 Annual Meetings – Board and Shareholders

This 2011 Questionnaire is designed to prepare your private company for its annual meeting of the Board of Directors and Shareholders. Good corporate governance generally requires conducting these annual meetings. The following list of sample questions serves as a tool designed to aid in the preparation process to ensure a productive meeting.


1. Who should be appointed as Directors of the Company?

2. What are the names and office of the officers of the Company?

3. When was the last Annual Report filed with Office of Secretary of State? If you have a copy of the Report, please attach

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Software Case Highlights Criminal Exposure for Revenue Recognition of Software Sales

Former chief financial officer of Network Associates, Inc. (“NAI”), appeals his convictions for securities fraud and making materially false statements to auditors. The government alleged that NAI, under CFO’s supervision, violated generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) by recognizing revenue from certain software sales earlier than it should have. CFO was indicted for concealing the allegedly improper accounting from NAI’s outside auditors and for filing reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission that, because of NAI’s accounting, allegedly misstated revenue in certain reporting periods between 1998 and 2000. CFO argued that no jury could have found him guilty beyond a reasonable

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USPTO Issues Record-Breaking Number of Patents in 2010

January 14th, 2011

Despite Tough Economic Times for R&D, Patent Awards Up 31% over 2009


By:  John R. Harris

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued 219,614 utility patents in 2010.  This represents a 31% increase over 2009.   So, in spite of tough economic times for many companies, patents continue to be filed and granted in record numbers.

This information was released on January 10, 2010, by IFI Claims®, a division of Fairview Research, LLC.

The IFI Claims® news release lists the top fifty patent assignees, which is reflective of the U.S. patenting activity of major technology companies.  The top ten patent acquirers are as follows:

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